That being said, for the show to fall apart as quickly as it did with so little information actually being disseminated to us, it leaves us feeling empty. That's a boon for you and it says a lot about the high level of quality of your product. You've shared a lot and you've built up this massive connection with your audience.

The guys need to understand that for people like me, I've heard your voices and your personal stories so much that I feel like I know you better than many of my actual family members.

I've been a loyal listener to every hour of every show for over a decade. A lot of us - like myself - have been listening to the show for a long time. The thing is that while some fans are jerks who want blood and are prone to take sides, the majority of fans aren't like that. And yes, I understand that this is a "family issue". Yes, I understand that this shouldn't be a war. Yes, I understand that this had gone on for a long time and everyone wants to move on. I say this because I think the guys are tone deaf when it comes to their audience on this issue. I still love everyone involved and will do my best to keep listening to both shows. This isn't Team FBHW versus Team Zane or any of that high school crap. I just listened to Friday's podcast and I'm pretty disappointed in the guys not really rebutting anything that Zane had to say.